Here at Route 66 Shooting Sports Park, we take safety very seriously. Our Range Safety Officers are here to ensure that all of our guests have an enjoyable, yet safe time here at the range. To help keep everyone safe, we have a few safety rules that everyone must abide by. Range Safety Officers and Range Staff have final say in all matters regardless of posted rules. The range is a dynamic environment and rules may be adjusted to ensure safety for everyone.

Whether at the range, or anywhere else, it’s important to practice the 4 rules of firearms safety.
- Treat every firearm as if it was loaded – Even if you know it is not loaded, you treat it the same way as if it was loaded.
- Do not point your firearm at anything you don’t wish to destroy – Be aware of where you point your firearm. Keep it pointed in a safe direction at all times.
- Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire – Unless you are actively intending to shoot your firearm, make sure your finger is off and away from the trigger.
- Be sure of your target, and what’s beyond it – Make sure you positively identify your target, and be mindful of what’s behind it.
In an outdoor range setting, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you have a safe time here.
- 180 Rule – Ensure that all shooters on the line are adjacent to each other. Do not shoot if someone is in front of you or within your forward “180” field of view. Vice Versa, do not step in front of a shooter’s 180 if they are shooting.
- Fixing targets and going downrange – It’s a good practice to ensure that when going down range to tend to targets, all firearms are unloaded, and set down, pointed in a safe direction, with the actions locked open. No one should be handling firearms as people are downrange.
- Shoot only towards the back berm – The side berms act only as a safety barrier. They are not designed for direct fire. When setting targets up, make sure your direction of fire is always towards the back berm only. Ensure that all rounds impact the back berm. Do not shoot above or beyond the back berm.
Use & possession of any drugs or alcohol are strictly prohibited on the range premises. This includes legal drugs like alcohol, marijuana products, and prescription medication that may affect one’s cognitive or physical abilities.
We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on drugs and alcohol. If you are found to be in using, in possession, or under the influence of any drug or alcohol, you will be asked to leave the range.
Route 66 SSP offers a steel target shooting gallery with over 20 lanes of fire. All targets are AR500 steel and set at various distances. As shooting steel presents unique safety considerations, additional safety rules apply at the steel gallery.
- Eye & Ear protection required at all times.
- Firearms are to be unloaded and in a container when being transported from your vehicle to your designated shooting lane.
- Pistol Caliber firearms only. Rifle/Carbine platforms are permitted, as long as they are chambered in pistol calibers. .22LR is considered a pistol caliber.
- No magnum of 5.7mm calibers. This includes, but is not limited to: .357, .44, 50AE and other pistol magnum calibers.
- No steel cased, steel jacketed, bi-metal jacketed, or steel-core ammunition allowed. If it is magnetic, it is not allowed at the steel gallery, or on our range period.
- Shoot at only your designated targets directly in front of your shooting lane.
- No holstered firearms, no slung firearms.

Route 66 Shooting Sports Park offers over 20 individual private bays. These bays are able to be reserved and rented by the public for use by yourself or your own group. Each bay is assigned to a group so that you have a private range to yourself. We have a few general rules for our individual bays:
- No steel case, steel core, steel jacketed, bi-metal jacket, tracers, or incendiary ammunition.
- Shoot only towards the back berm. Ensure that all targets are placed so that the direction of fire is directed only to the back berm.
- The side berms are not intended to be backstops, do not place targets along the side berms.
- Holstered and slung firearms are permitted in our individual bays, please train safely.
- Steel targets are allowed in designated bays, please inform check-in if you have steel so that we can assign an appropriate bay.
- Practice gun safety at all times.

Our all-new Shotgun Alley features 9 stations of clay target machines that offer various flight patterns and degrees of difficulty. No additional range fees required and we have the best rates in the area!
- Shotguns only. Shotguns must have a stock.
- Birdshot and target loads only. No slugs or buck of any sort allowed.
- Shot size must be no larger than 7. (7-9 is ok)
- Holstered and slung firearms are prohibited in this shooting area.
- No loaded firearms outside of the yellow painted lines.
- If your station fails to launch clays after 3 attempts, please stop and notify range staff.
- Practice gun safety at all times.

Route 66 Shooting Sports Park a 100-yard rifle range with 8 individual lanes and a designated prone shooting. This offers a little more distance than our other bays. There are a few basic rules regarding the use of this range.
- No steel case, steel core, steel jacketed, bi-metal jacket, tracers, or incendiary ammunition.
- Shoot only towards the back berm. Ensure that all targets are affixed to the provided back wall.
- No targets are to be placed between the firing line and the back target wall. All targets must be placed at the 100-yard wall.
- Holstered and slung firearms are prohibited in this shooting area.
- Steel targets are prohibited at the 100 yard range. Paper and cardboard only.
- No handling of firearms during line breaks.
- Practice gun safety at all times.